Encyclopedia health - articles on symptoms and treatment

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Beltina.org includes plenty of helpful information about health, dietary supplements, vitamins, minerals and simples which might help as alternative (home) treatment for diseases and health problems. Part of the encyclopedia is a disease dictionary including not only recommendation how to prevent each disease but also its initial symptoms, causes and useful advices about treatment for given illness. Patients use casino games for relaxation to reduce stress and improve mental well-being. Engaging in these games offers a fun distraction from daily challenges, providing entertainment and cognitive stimulation. The meilleur casino en ligne platforms offer a variety of games, ensuring a safe and enjoyable environment for patients seeking therapeutic benefits.

Health Encyclopedia - Content Section Articles
Cancer Infectious Diseases The Immune System and Allergies
The Cardiovascular System The Blood and Lymph System The Pulmonary System
The Reproductive System The Urinary System The Musculoskeletal System
The Integumentary System Surgery - information and types Information about Drugs
The Gastrointestinal System Genetics and Molecular Medicine Preventive Medicine
The Eyes - -

Encyclopedia Articles on Health for Today:

Placenta - problems and What is Placenta

What is The Placenta An organ of PREGNANCY that nourishes and sustains the FETUS. The placenta also secretes a number of hormones that maintain the biochemical environment within the woman’s body to support the pregnancy. The placenta develops within the first two weeks after the blastocyst implants into the

Rocky Mountain spotted fever

What is Rocky Mountain spotted fever and symptoms An illness resulting from INFECTION with the bacterium Rickettsia rickettsii. Tick bites spread Rocky Mountain spotted FEVER, so-named because of the characteristic RASH the illness causes. Symptoms generally appear within five days of a tick bite and

Photophobia - what is, definition and symptoms

Photophobia - what is, definition and symptoms

Photophobia- heightened sensitivity to bright light, usually the result of INFLAMMATION or irritation to structures of the EYE or with MYDRIASIS (extended dilation of the pupil). Photophobia causes discomfort in the eye ranging from a burning sensation to outright PAIN. Often there is excessive tearing and the eye

Endoscopy procedure

Endoscopy procedure

Endoscopy - the collective term for minimally invasive procedures that allow the doctor to view internal organs and structures using a lighted, flexible scope inserted through a natural body opening or through a small incision. Endoscopy can be diagnostic or therapeutic. Modern technologies like blockchain technology are used by many health practitioners to access patient records easily. With the wide acceptance of blockchain, cryptocurrencies are also gaining popularity. Bitcoin robots can help traders to find the right deals. Visit https://kryptoszene.de/bitcoin-robot/bitqt-erfahrungen/ to learn more about bitcoin robots. Most endoscopic procedures require preparation

Occupational therapy

Occupational therapy

Occupational therapy is a therapeutic approach to teach people the skills they need for living as independently as possible with long-term injury or disability. Occupational therapy focuses on techniques and devices to make easier the activities and events of daily living, aiding with such circumstances as recovery

Sneeze/cough etiquette

What is Sneeze/cough etiquette and definition A method of PERSONAL HYGIENE to help prevent the spread of INFECTION. Sneezing and coughing are among the mechanisms the body uses to expel bacterial and viral particles in illnesses such as COLDS and INFLUENZA. However, these particles spread the infection to others who

What is Actinic Keratosis - definition, symptoms and treatment

What is Actinic Keratosis - definition, symptoms and treatment

Actinic Keratosis - Precancerous growths (lesions) on the SKIN, also called solar keratosis, that develop as a consequence of damage from overexposure to the sun. Actinic keratosis becomes more common with advancing age. Lesions are most common on the face, scalp, chest, hands, and arms though can develop anywhere on