Lupus disease - causes, symptoms and treatment with supplements and vitamins

The first sign of the autoimmune disorder – lupus characterized by the immunity system attacking healthy cells, is usually butterfly erythema. Variety of treatments helps to moderate the symptoms, slow the disease progress and strengthen the health condition of human organism.

What is Lupus

Chronic inflammatory disease characterized by the first inflammation and further remissions concerns women ten times more frequently than men. The diagnosis is often very difficult while the disambiguation might afflict any organ in the human body including heart, joint, brain or kidneys.

The symptoms of Lupus

Lupus is characterized by artrodynia, fever, tiredness, chest pain, caught, hair loss, sensitivity to sun light, blurred vision, and enlarged nodules. Most symptoms of the lupus occur between the ages of 15 and 35, therefore the diagnose identification might be sometimes difficult.

The Cause of  Lupus (Disambiguation) disease

When lupus occurs, the immunity system collapses and creates abnormal cells that circulate through body and attack healthy cells. It is not clear what exactly causes this disorder. Heredity, sexual hormones and variety of infection might represent the problematic components. Variety of stimulants – sunshine, child delivery, stress, medicaments or drugs might initial the disease.

The effectiveness of dietary supplements for Lupus

Many dietary supplements used together for a long time might possibly reduce the symptoms of lupus; they slow the progress of the disease and moderate the consumption of classic remedies which cause unpleasant adverse effects often. All dietary supplements can be used in the same time as the classic medicaments because lupus represents a major disease. The results usually appear within one month.

Vitamin B complex is effective throughout the organism and maintains skin, mucosa, blood and joints in a good condition. Vitamin B complex together with the antioxidants – vitamin C, E and selenium – is able to fasten healing and prevents heart, blood-vessels, joints, skin and other organs from insulting. Omega-3 fatty acids have similar effect in the regulation of the immunity system. Zinc is conducive in healing and, in combination with vitamin C, also in regulating the immunity system.

According to the phytotherapists, lime-blossom, burdock and wild jam are also prosperous in therapy of lupus. It is possible to use these herbs together or separately. Infuse 10 g of the herbal mixture in 200 ml of hot water and drink the tea twice a day. If one of the symptoms is cold feet, use 80 mg of the gingko extract three times per day.

Prosperous dietary supplements in therapy of Lupus

  • Vitamin B complex: 1 tablet every morning during a meal
  • Vitamin C: 500 mg twice per day
  • Vitamin E: 250 mg daily
  • Evening primrose oil: 1.000 mg three times a day
  • Fish oil: 2 capsules (1.000 mg each) daily
  • Selenium: 200 mg three times per day
  • Zinc: 30 mg daily

When to consult your suspicions with the specialist

If one experiences unusual and persisting difficulties such as fever, artrodynia, weight loss, eczemas, or breathing difficulties, he should see his physician. It is important to determinate a correct diagnosis and that might take a long time. If one suffers from any health difficulties, he should consult using dietary supplements with his physician.

Lupus – facts

The classic medicaments including high doses of steroid hormones and anti-cancerous remedies might have unpleasant adverse effects; such as lupus itself, cataract, diabetes, bone attenuation and other serious problems. The dietary supplements might help to lower the necessary dosage of those medicaments and also to reduce their adverse effects.

Lupus – suggestions

  • Avoid the sun light and use high UV factor lotions and creams.
  • Sufficient rest is needed. Any kind of group therapy might help to limit stress.

Lupus – additional information

Antioxidants such as selenium helps to prevent from insulting joints, nerves, heart and other organs afflicted by lupus.

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