Lymfogranuloma venereum

This STD is caused by bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. Serotypes L-1, L-2, L-3 of this bacterium play the main role. It starts with a small genital ulcer (1-3 mm) on penis or vulva. Then the pustule brakes and heals completely. When the pustule is healed, infection spread throw lymphatic vessels to inguinal glands. After few weeks glands are swollen. Enlarged glands are called boboes.
Next stadium is ulceration, rupture of glands and finally fistula may occur. Purulent matter can leak out of fistula, sometimes even with blood. Other complications of the infection are proctitis, constriction of anus. As lymphatic vessels are affected, rarely elephantiasis of genitals can be a late complication. Other symptoms of LGV as of any other infection are fever, rigor, nausea, headache and joint pain. Incubation period last from 3 days up to 8 weeks.
Serological tests are run to confirm the diagnosis. The testing last 2 weeks. Culture is used for determination the serotypes.
Doxycyclin is applied. If it is treated well, spontaneous remission is common. Safe sex rules are highly recommended.